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Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission rated ESH Community as  GOOD  in all categories because:

CQC rated•  There were good systems in place to keep clients safe during detoxification and recovery. Staff were skilled at observing, monitoring, recording and being alert to the health and well-being of clients.

•  The environment was safe and therapeutic. The service used new technology to support safe unobtrusive monitoring of clients undertaking detoxification.

•  The service was effective in ensuring recovery, both during and after a client’s admission. A major part of this was involving clients in frequent activities and therapies, both inside the service and out in the wider community. It helped to build clients’ resilience by involving families and carers and supporting them to develop new networks.

•  All staff worked together well, were open and transparent and communicated effectively.

•  The service was well-led by an experienced and ‘hands on’ management team, always available to advise and support.


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Contact Us

ESH Community
Holt Cottage Farm
Welsh Road East
CV47 1NJ 

Tel: 01926 811702
E-mail: Contact Us