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COVID Information

CEO and Founder
Paul Urmston

Paul Urmston small rounded web

We take our duty of care towards the health and well-being of both our residents and our staff extremely seriously. We have completed a thorough risk assessment of our environment.

Our updated COVID risk assessment is based on the latest government guidance and it has been significantly revised to ease the overhead on the operational requirements of the rehab whilst maintaining an effective admission process and treatment environment.

This current policy is based on the assumption that we will not be able to accept placements for residents who are in the highest risk category of becoming seriously ill from COVID.

This risk assessment has taken into consideration various aspects of resident risks including the benefits of an effective admission process, the participation in ESH Community’s programme including safe detoxification, our education programme and the aftercare we provide.

The impact of the COVID pandemic has changed over the years as more people have been vaccinated and new variants of the virus have emerged with potentially less severe symptoms. We have also gained more awareness and experience of managing COVID in our environment.

We continue to review the best practice approaches that describe how to operate a residential rehabilitation facility safely in the current environment to be able to meet the latest Government Guidelines.

We have reflected on our own experience and we believe we have taken a safe and robust approach above what the Government currently recommend.

The additional measures we are taking have been integrated into our day to day practices and procedures to manage the rehab through the ongoing pandemic situation.

Resident Admission Process

  • Following initial engagement with ESH Community, potential residents and the families are invited to attend a Pre-Admission Assessment.
  • Pre-admission and admission sessions are held in our dedicated Admissions Office away from the main residence.
  • The pre-admission meeting focusses on some COVID related checks to ensure the potential resident is not in the highest risk category of becoming seriously ill from COVID these include:
    • Checking for any COVID/Flu/Cold symptoms in the last 14 days
    • Assessing the potential resident’s current COVID vaccination status, potential residents not fully vaccinated will be individually risk assessed
    • Assessment of any pre-existing physical health conditions, for example respiratory problems or serious liver disease which would put them in the highest risk category of becoming seriously ill from COVID
  • On the day of admission COVID LFD tests are completed by the resident and family members or friends who have travelled in the same vehicle on the admission day.
  • Assuming the LFD tests for family and the resident and resident health checks do not highlight any potential COVID issues the admission can proceed.

Resident/Staff Health Care 

  • Residents undertake a COVID Lateral Flow Test on entry
  • Daily health checks are performed for residents who are having a formal detox, for the period of the detox, this includes blood pressure, heart rate, SPo2 and temp readings to monitor general health.


  • Our general approach to PPE is that it is not required in our regular day to day activities as the nature, efficacy and quality of the services we deliver would be detrimentally impacted if PPE was used in our day to day interactions with residents

Physical Wellbeing Programme

  • Our physical wellbeing programme activities, TaiChi, Yoga and cardio exercise sessions take place on-site to minimise external contact
  • Residents and staff follow the current COVID guidelines when they participate in any physical activities away from our main location including regular country walks.

Fellowship Meetings

  • We will continue to engage with external support organisations because of their importance to the longer term support they can provide to a successful recovery.

 Deliveries and Visitor/Contractors

  • Contractors requiring access to main residence are asked if they have any symptoms

 Staff Training

  • This COVID Secure Risk Assessment shared and discussed with all staff.
  • Information on how and when to use PPE
  • Process for resident admission LFD testing 

Updated 14/10/23


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Contact Us

ESH Community
Holt Cottage Farm
Welsh Road East
CV47 1NJ 

Tel: 01926 811702
E-mail: Contact Us