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Andrew's Story

For many years life had been nothing more than an unconscious existence, days drifted amiously into weeks, months, years. Passing time with nothing to show for it. Despair and lonely dark moments awaited me each morning, a living hell. I was spiritually, mentally and physically broken. I was at the jumping off point, I could not live with alcohol or without it.

I arrived at ESH on the 22nd August the day of my last drink. With complete honesty I neither fought admission to rehab or went willingly that day like many others was a complete blur. I do remember I felt vulnerable and scared. I knew that alcohol had beaten me it had taken everything from me. Fear hit me the most after my detox, I started to be aware of many of the things I had done, the damage I had caused to the people close to me. I had to get honest with myself and that is not an easy thing to do on your own.

Thankfully because of all the great staff at ESH I did not have to take this journey alone, I was lovingly supported all the way. ESH nurtured in me ideas that had always been beyond my grasp, I began to understand life, I began to understand how to receive love and to give it freely. Life for me know was no longer a struggle, full of resentments, hate and bitterness. I have regained my faith and what has happened for me can only be described as a miracle.

ESH has beautiful surroundings, it is very comfortable, and the food is great, but that is not what makes ESH, money can buy you that in any luxury hotel in the world. What makes ESH special is the people who run it, the staff, the volunteers and also the residents past and present. Sobriety has given me the peace of mind to enjoy life to its full, the freedom to express who I really am. ESH is my anchor when I need advice or an honest friendly opinion.

Now when I wake up I look forward to the day ahead with a sense of joy and optimism. Things are going well for me and I pray each day they continue to do so, sure I have life issues and situations to deal with, even in sobriety there have been some testing times, but through the direction and care given to me at ESH I received the key to the door that opens up many possibilities.


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ESH Community
Holt Cottage Farm
Welsh Road East
CV47 1NJ 

Tel: 01926 811702
E-mail: Contact Us