The decision to come to ESH Community was one of the hardest, most worthwhile decisions I have made in my life.
‘My Life’ has new meaning to me now. I am beginning to live free of drugs and alcohol.
I did not intend on staying the twelve weeks on arrival, I did not want to take that long out of my life. I am very thankful that the option to stay for the whole twelve weeks was available to me.
What I have been shown here I will never forget and hope to build on for the rest of my days. I cannot recommend ESH Community high enough. Community is exactly what it is. Everyone here and involved here are family.
I came in with no hope for the future, fully stuck in addiction. With the help of all the experience of all the amazing staff and volunteers I found strength to try what is on offer here.
The journey has been painful at times, I have cried, but most of all I have cried tears of joy, with laughter. I have a bright path ahead of me. I have hope.